
Welcome to El Cyber, a digital haven for Latinx students seeking both knowledge and camaraderie in the tech space. My mission is rooted in the belief that every student deserves a roadmap free from the pitfalls I encountered.

Posts will be a showcase of my journey through school as a first generation computer science student. Topics will generally include programming tutorials, study tips, CS concepts, student life, and more. As a current student still learning about the dynamic world of computer science I will mainly be sharing my current lessons as I go through school.

Entering the tech realm can be daunting, making you question your place. I understand this struggle, and I’m determined to provide the guidance I wished I had. I’m a firm believer that we can achieve anything that we set our mind to through hard work and dedication. But I know that nothing great is possible without a supportive community. Embark on this journey with me, where setbacks evolve into significant stepping stones.

From here you can check out my introductory post!

Learn more about the creator here.